package domquery import ( "strings" ) type Node struct { token string Children []*Node Parent *Node } func (node *Node) TagName() string { return getTagName(node.token) } func (node *Node) OuterHTML() string { str := node.token str += node.InnerHTML() str += getCloseNode(node).token return str } func (node *Node) SetOuterHTML(str string) { closeTag := getCloseNode(node) closeTag.token = "" //use the token to insert str node.token = str node.Children = []*Node{} // rebuild parent tokList := GetTokenList(node.Parent.InnerHTML()) node.Parent.Children = []*Node{} node.Parent = BuildTree(tokList, node.Parent) } func (node *Node) InnerHTML() string { str := "" for _, child := range node.Children { str += child.token str += child.InnerHTML() } return str } func (node *Node) SetInnerHTML(str string) { node.Children = []*Node{} tokList := GetTokenList(str) BuildTree(tokList, node) } func (node *Node) QuerySelector(str string) *Node { found := &Node{} for _, child := range node.Children { if matchSelector(child, str) { return child } found := child.QuerySelector(str) if found.token != "" { return found } } return found } func (node *Node) QuerySelectorAll(str string) []*Node { found := []*Node{} for _, child := range node.Children { if getTagName(child.token) == str && (getTokType(child.token) == "open" || getTokType(child.token) == "selfclosing") { found = append(found, child) } if str == "*" && (getTokType(child.token) == "open" || getTokType(child.token) == "selfclosing") { found = append(found, child) } found = append(found, child.QuerySelectorAll(str)...) } return found } func (node *Node) GetAttribute(str string) string { for key, val := range node.AttributeList() { if key == str { return val } } return "" } func (node *Node) HasAttribute(str string) bool { for key := range node.AttributeList() { if key == str { return true } } return false } func (node *Node) SetAttribute(attr string, val string) { attributes := node.AttributeList() attributes[attr] = val attrStr := "" for key, val := range attributes { attrStr += key if val != "" { attrStr += "=" + "\"" + val + "\"" } attrStr += " " } attrStr = strings.Trim(attrStr, " ") node.token = "<" + getTagName(node.token) + " " + attrStr + ">" } func (node *Node) RemoveAttribute(attr string) { attributes := node.AttributeList() attrStr := "" for key, val := range attributes { if key == attr { continue } attrStr += key if val != "" { attrStr += "=" + "\"" + val + "\"" } attrStr += " " } attrStr = strings.Trim(attrStr, " ") node.token = "<" + getTagName(node.token) + " " + attrStr + ">" } func (node *Node) AttributeList() map[string]string { attributesList := make(map[string]string) if getTokType(node.token) != "open" && getTokType(node.token) != "selfclosing" { return attributesList } attrStr := strings.Replace(node.token, "<"+getTagName(node.token), "", 1) attrStr = strings.Trim(attrStr, "<> ") tok := "" state := "key" strKey := "" for i := 0; i < len(attrStr); i++ { chr := string(attrStr[i]) if state == "key" { if i == len(attrStr)-1 { tok += chr strKey = strings.Trim(tok, " ") attributesList[strKey] = "" continue } if chr == "=" { strKey = strings.Trim(tok, " ") state = "qual" tok = "" continue } if chr == " " { strKey = strings.Trim(tok, " ") if strKey != "" { attributesList[strKey] = "" } strKey = "" tok = "" continue } } if state == "qual" { if chr == "\"" { state = "val" tok = "" continue } } if state == "val" { if chr == "\"" { attributesList[strKey] = strings.Trim(tok, " ") state = "key" tok = "" continue } } tok += chr } return attributesList } func (node *Node) ClassList() []string { classStr := node.GetAttribute("class") classList := strings.Split(classStr, " ") return classList } func (node *Node) ClassListAdd(classStr string) { classList := append(node.ClassList(), classStr) str := strings.Join(classList, " ") str = strings.Trim(str, " ") node.SetAttribute("class", str) } func (node *Node) ClassListRemove(classStr string) { classList := []string{} for _, class := range node.ClassList() { if class != classStr { classList = append(classList, class) } } str := strings.Join(classList, " ") str = strings.Trim(str, " ") node.SetAttribute("class", str) } func (node *Node) Remove() { closeNode := getCloseNode(node) i := 0 for _, n := range node.Parent.Children { if n == closeNode { node.Parent.Children = append(node.Parent.Children[:i], node.Parent.Children[i+1:]...) break } i++ } i = 0 for _, n := range node.Parent.Children { if n == node { node.Parent.Children = append(node.Parent.Children[:i], node.Parent.Children[i+1:]...) break } i++ } } func (node *Node) CreateElement(tagName string) *Node { newNode := &Node{} newNode.token = "<" + tagName + ">" return newNode } func (node *Node) Append(newNode *Node) { newNode.Parent = node node.Children = append(node.Children, newNode) if getTokType(newNode.token) != "selfclosing" { closeNode := &Node{} closeNode.token = "" node.Children = append(node.Children, closeNode) } }